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M Sims Wyeth LLC

Sims Wyeth, a top executive presentation coach, is the president of M Sims Wyeth LLC. He is also the author of The Essentials of Persuasive Public Speaking.

Good presenters can overcome bad PowerPoints. Can good PowerPoints overcome bad presenters?

Michael Alley has taught at Virginia Tech, the University of Texas, the University of Wisconsin, and the University of Barcelona.  His book, The Craft of Scientific Presentations, is a significant contribution to the scientific community.  While Michael Alley’s experiments have… Read More »Good presenters can overcome bad PowerPoints. Can good PowerPoints overcome bad presenters?

Energetic Lips

Once again, I am the speech coach who has run into a very accomplished person who mumbles.  He’s on the fast track at a major American corporation, and his boss has gotten word that senior people can’t understand him when… Read More »Energetic Lips